Crypto : Difference Between Investing and Trading?



 Difference Between Investing and Trading?  

  Investing is quite different from trading; trading has the concept of gaining profit within a certain time period, whereas investment works when you hold the assets for the long term. While making any investment, we need to look for long-term trends and turn a blind eye to short-term fluctuations in the market. In cryptocurrency investment, the main goal is to get more coins. For instance, if you have purchased four bitcoins at a certain price, after a few years, the entire invested value of your asset will increase in proportional to the coin price.

 On the other hand, trading is concerned with short-time fluctuations, and thus it is essential to understand the daily market while trading. The main goal is to earn dollars or any other currency. Experts recommend understanding the market trends and short-term price trends if you want to excel in cryptocurrency trading. It is more like buying in low and selling at high prices, then the trends turn out to be in your favor.

 In cryptocurrency trading, you will need to drop coins very often in order to gain maximum profit. 

Structure of a Trade


The structure of trade combines the buyer and seller. In trading, one will gain, and the other will lose. In simple words, if the person is gaining profit in selling, the other one will have potentially low benefit. When you step into cryptocurrency trading, keep the fact clear which is understanding the market trends to prevent yourself from getting high losses.

 As the crypto market is volatile, it is always recommended to invest the amount you can afford to lose, and if you are a newbie, you must consult an expert.

 Certified Cryptocurrency Trader is an expert in managing the buying and selling of cryptocurrency by considering market trends. Also, they are aware of the trade structure and execute the trade accordingly.

 If you are also interested in exploring crypto trading then you must consider the factors affecting the market trends. For instance, when more people are buying any particular order, the price generally goes up. 

In contrast, when people are selling more than buying, the price tends to drop.  To understand the market trends better, let us understand the different types of trading strategies.


Different Types of Trading Strategies


There are four active trading strategies that usually get implemented across the market. An active trading strategy can be defined as an act of securely buying and selling considering the short-term market trends and gaining profit from the market’s volatility. Most experts believe that active trading strategy changes with the long-term strategies where investors buy and hold the assets

The four strategies are Scalping, day trading, swing trading, and position trading, which are explained below:


Scalping is the shortest-term trading strategy followed by many experts to gain instant profits. In this type of trading, people hold the coins for a few minutes or seconds. However, the gain is not much as other trading strategies. The purpose of scalping is to achieve small profits which are accumulated throughout the day. The optimum time to execute the trade is when the market is super busy, then the chances of getting profit are maximum. The certified cryptocurrency traders and experts actively practice scalp trading to profit from the small price movements. 

Day Trading 

This type of cryptocurrency trading involves the holding of assets for a day. Day Trading is also known as “intraday trading,”  where traders enter and exit the position within the same day. In this type of trading, you need to consider basic technical analysis using technical indicators that can help you determine current market conditions and identify the trends.  Implementing this type of trading also offers small profits; however, it keeps you away from overnight market volatility.  Day trading is usually held for few hours. 

Swing Trading 

In the Swing trading strategy, people hold the position for several days or few weeks. This trading type follows short to intermediate-term trends ranging typically between 1-30 days. The person who is not active on a daily basis and dedicated their time to their jobs can implement this type of trading strategy. Here, you do not need to worry about the daily ups and downs becai]use in swing trading you will not hold the cryptocurrency for just a day. However, keeping up with the trend and checking the daily analysis will help you gain the optimum profits.   

Position Trading 

In this type of trading strategy, you need to focus on the long-term price shifts. In order to gain maximum profit, major price shifts are considered by the trading experts. Position trading is also known as “trend trading”, as traders tend to hold the position for more extended periods of time. Also, analyzing weekly and monthly price charts can benefit you in evaluating the market trends. While implementing this type of trading strategy, traders are not worried about minor fluctuations in the price. In fact, they are only concerned about the major market trends and follow up accordingly. 

 So as per your requirement and availability, you can choose any of the cryptocurrency trading strategies.

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